We all know "Money Talks" the problem for most small business owners is that they either frustrated or confused because they have no idea what the number in the business mean. This leads to issues of inaccurate or non - existent financial records, What's worse is even if there is a book keeper or accountant available to manage their records, a lot of entrepreneurs do not understand the language surrounding business finances.
Never fear! Beneficial BAE is here, This "Money Talks" KISS (Keep It Simple Solution) is a glossary of common financial terms all entrepreneurs should know. It is the perfect short, reference for any one who
- would like to speak more confidently when discussing financial plans for their business
- needs a basic knowledge of formal business terms to access the stability of their organization including the bookkeeper's contributions
- wants a better understanding of what venture capitalists discuss on their favorite television shows and podcasts.
The Money Talks Financial Terms Glossary is available for free for a limited time from Beneficial BAE. Download your instant, digital download today and begin to improve your conversations surrounding money in your business.