Private Time
Sometimes you just need individualized time with me and I get that! Click here to decide how much time you’re willing to invest for your future!
Courses and Bundles
Enjoy the Beneficial Bae teaching style and ready to get all the gems to build your business yourself. Click here for videos and bundled courses that teach you how to elevate your business.
Templates & E-Books
Do you need a quick breakdown or easy template to follow for your business growth and development? See what we have to offer that will help on your success journey.
FREE KISS (Keep It Simple Solutions)
Balling on a Budget?! It’s like that sometimes. Here is where you can find ways to have quick wins and dividends in your business. The easiest way to work with Beneficial Bae is to start your transformation for free! I'm sure you'll be back.
Goaled & Black
Our brand is a reflection of us... “goaled” (aspirational) and Black (African-American). Check out some of our “couple’s fit” ideas so you can represent us in style.
Featured Publications
Beneficial Bae has had the pleasure of being featured on some awesome podcasts, articles and events. Click here to see where we may have been introduced.
I assist determined entrepreneurs with transforming their skills, knowledge and potential into profitable micro-enterprises. I simplify boring or confusing business strategies by wrapping them in relationship tips. I'm known for my ability to make profitable business development action plans, concentrated sales strategies and a results driven marketing plan.
As of today, I’ve had the opportunity to work with, reach, impact, teach and consult small business owners through conferences, digital products and private clarity and consulting sessions.