Have you just wanted to speak directly to Beneficial Bae 1 on 1? Then, a 60 Minute "Can We Talk" Call may be exactly what you need! Can We Talk Calls are Hour Long Opportunities for you to pick my brain and ask me AS MANY of those questions that you’ve had on your mind as you would like. Many small business owners get all the clarity that they need within the Can We Talk Call. Others go even further and invest in their business and themselves by enrolling in a coaching package. I schedule on average about 8 - 10 Can We Talk Calls per week for Mondays and Thursdays and Saturdays.
PLEASE BE ADVISED that Can We Talk Calls are not coaching sessions! You absolutely want to come prepared with your questions about any business subject so that our time together can be BENEFICIAL to you. I’ve had some clients even solve their problem by asking me questions during the Can We Talk Call - so be prepared. This meeting is virtual and upon your registration, you will be emailed a link to join the online session.